Kinesiology & Coaching


Kinesiology is a natural therapy based on traditional Chinese medicine and was discovered by Chiropractor, Dr George Goodheart in the 1960’s.
Kinesiology uses muscle testing to find the root cause of imbalances in the body contributing to health issues whether physical, emotional or nutritional. Each session is unique and is tailored to meet your needs and priorities on the day. Once imbalances are identified through muscle testing, a variety of tools and techniques are used to help restore balance. These may include acupressure, energy work (using meridian pathways), structural techniques, Bach Flower remedies, emotional coaching, nutritional changes, and supplement support.

I am qualified in Touch for Health and Functional Kinesiology and I am a member of the Kinesiology Federation. As a result of my own personal experiences and those of my clients, I am incredibly passionate about what I do. Clients have reported positive outcomes such as reduction or elimination of pain and discomfort, processing and release of emotions, reduction and relief of stress, increased energy and vitality, and enhanced health and wellbeing.



Coaching is a form of development to support you to achieve. This may be in any area of your life. Some examples are: health, nutrition, work, relationships, family or finances. You may not even know what you want coaching for but you know that you don’t feel at your best or living the life you really want. You might feel stuck, uninspired, lost or lacking motivation. These are all areas that can be worked on through tailored coaching sessions, helping you to find your way. The sessions are all about you, exploring what’s happening and taking steps towards what you want and focussing on how to get it.
Imagine having clarity, energy and inspiration. Living an authentic, happy and healthy life. I’ve felt this powerful transformation myself and this has sparked my passion to support others to do the same.
I offer online or in-person coaching sessions so you can choose which is best suited to you or even mix the two. You can also opt for coaching between kinesiology sessions if you’d like to.

Cancellation policy : Cancellations made 24 hours or more before the appointment will not be charged. Cancellations made with less than 24 hours before the appointment will be charged at full price.

Other info : There is free parking, a waiting room and toilet at the wellness centre.

You’ll be required to complete a health history form prior to, or at, your appointment.